Everything in life, all matter, including the human body, has an electromagnetic field. Ultimately, our bodies are fields of information, intelligence, and energy. Dr. Frank Springob developed the morphogenic field technique over a decade ago as a dedication to the overall wellness and quality of the human experience. The Morphogenic Field Technique is devoted to the understanding of the human bio-field. Through the morphogenic field technique we can access “the holistic interconnection of gene material in all cells, which holds the key to addressing the root cause to many major disorders." With a combination of nutrition, herbal, homeopathic, and lifestyle enhancement therapies MFT practitioners can build a plan of care based upon the bio-individual and energetic needs of the human body.
Applying the technique of muscle testing (kinesiology) the MFT practitioner uses energy vials to test the body’s electrical field. These testing vials are embedded with frequency codes that give a reaction when entering the body’s BioField. All muscle testing procedures are based upon a concept called incongruency, the opposite of congruency. Carl Rogers defined incongruency as “a lack of alignment between the real self and the ideal self”. To put it in other words, it is like telling a lie to yourself. Innately your energetic intelligence does not really believe you, so it creates a weakness in the muscle that is being tested.
Using these testing vials with energies infused into them to create a conversation with the body to see where there is a disruption, then finding a protocol of supplementation to reconnect the body’s disconnect. This may all sound a little confusing, but it will make sense quickly once you experience it.
Our world is not physical, our world is quantum. It is energy first. We see this in the very beginning in Genesis 1 where God began to create. Genesis 1:3 “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” Our world was spoken into existence using the frequency of God’s divine voice. He made everything by speaking it into existence until it came to us when He knelt down in the dirt and formed us by hand.
I believe this is the way God intended our health care to be, quantum energetic care. But because we have lost our way and have been trained to think in more linear terms, MFT and the quantum body have become a foreign concept to most of us. At Rapha Apotheca, we understand this may be a knew concept that might break your paradigm so we are here to support you through this journey answering any questions you might have along the way.